Tier 1 Registration and Class Descriptions

The program consists of three independent tiers of six classes each, held bi-weekly.  Most sessions include both instruction and interactive activities to promote learning and implementation.  Upon completion of each tier, participants receive a Leadership Certificate specific to that tier.

A participant does not have to take Tier 1 sessions prior to taking Tier 2 sessions.  Tier 1, 2, and 3 sessions are independent sessions that can be taken in any order.


Emerging Leaders Tier 1 

Classes are from 7:00am - 9:00am


  • Communication

    • Many organizations focus on technical skills as all-important to success in the workplace. Yet strong interpersonal skills are essentially equally essential in transforming individual contributors into exceptional performers who have a greater impact in their roles. This foundation course provides individuals with a powerful set of interaction skills that enables them to communicate more effectively with colleagues and customers and, in the process, build trust, strengthen partnerships and achieve desired results.
  • Developing Yourself & Others

    • Development is critical to attracting and retaining talent, employee engagement, preparing future leaders and ultimately ensuring the success of the organization. Learn a practical process to guide your own, as well as your direct reports’, development planning efforts. Create plans that support the current and future business needs of the organization.
  • Meeting Facilitation

    • Preparation and participation are the two pillars of a successful meeting. People who sit through an entire meeting without becoming involved might just as well not have come to it at all. The leader must determine the exact objectives to be accomplished. This class will cover the keys to meeting productivity, including the valuable role they play in leading it effectively.
  • StrengthsFinder 1

    • Do you have the opportunity to do what you do best every day? Chances are, you don't. All too often, our natural talents go untapped. From the cradle to the cubicle, we devote more time to fixing our shortcomings than to developing our strengths. This assessment gives an in-depth analysis of your strengths and will help you understand how each of your top five themes plays out in your life, both professionally and personally, so you can build and apply your strengths and fulfill your potential.
  • StrengthsFinder 2

    • Continuation of StrengthsFinder 1, applying what you learned about your strengths.
  • How to Read People

    • Continuation of StrengthsFinder 1, applying what you learned about your strengths.